Our Leadership in Corporate Banking

Our Board of Directors

Our Leadership Team That Is Shaping The Future Of Corporate Banking in ADGM & DIFC

The Board of Directors in a bank’s governance structure is vital for setting strategic direction, overseeing risk management, ensuring compliance with regulations, driving people’s agenda and representing the interests of shareholders while maintaining ethical standards and transparency.

At Vision Bank, we are proud to be guided by a group of accomplished individuals, who bring decades of experience and expertise to our institution. Our Board of Directors is a collective of forward-thinkers who drive transformative change in Corporate Banking.

With a shared commitment to accountability and innovation, our Board of Directors ensures that Vision Bank continues to thrive and serve our clients with excellence.

Our Board

Mr. Jeremy Parrish

Mr. Jeremy Parrish

Independent Chairman

Mr. Parrish is the existing independent non-executive chairman of the Bank. He has spent 40 years in the banking industry, including a variety of senior roles with Standard Chartered and ANZ Banking Group across UK, UAE, Switzerland and Japan.

Mr. Parrish is currently serving as the non-executive chairman for Julius Baer International (London) and Julius Baer Middle East (DIFC). He also served as the non- executive chairman of Crown Agents Bank between 2017 and 2023.

H.E. Dr. Tayeb A Kamali

H.E. Dr. Tayeb A Kamali

Independent Non-Executive Director

Dr Kamali is the Director General for Education Training Development at the UAE Ministry of Interior. Dr. Kamali was a Fellow at Pembroke College in Cambridge, UK; a founding Board Member of the World Federation of Colleges and Polytechnics (WFCP); and is a Board Member of several institutions including the Mohammed bin Rashid School of Government, the Abu Dhabi University, Abu Dhabi School of Management, Gulf Medical University, The Boston Initiative, Outward Bound UAE and the Emirates Cricket Board. He is also an independent director on the Board of GII LLC.

Trey Goede

Trey Goede

Independent Non-Executive Director

Mr. Goede has been an entrepreneurial executive and investor for 30 years and has held board and C-suite positions at many companies, ranging from start-ups to conglomerates across various industries including energy, technology, investment, telecommunication, and education.

He has over a decade of experience in the GCC market, having worked with companies in UAE, Bahrain, and Saudi Arabia. He helped Saudi Aramco to establish Saudi Aramco Entrepreneurship Ventures (Wa’ed Ventures) and led many of its investments. He is also a board member at PayTabs Inc.

Mr. Ian Bryden

Mr. Ian Bryden

Independent Non-Executive Director

Mr. Bryden is an Independent Non-Executive Director of the Bank and the Chairman of the Board Risk & Compliance Committee. His career in financial services spans over 40 years of which the last 19 were in senior roles in the Risk Function at Standard Chartered Bank. From 2015 until his retirement in 2023, he was the Regional Chief Risk Officer for Africa & Middle East based in Dubai. During this period, he served on various Standard Chartered subsidiary boards and was the Chairman for Standard Chartered Bank Pakistan.

Earlier in his career, Mr. Bryden worked in India, Hong Kong and the United Kingdom. Prior to joining Standard Chartered, he worked for The Chase Manhattan Bank and Bear Stearns International in various business roles.


Mr. Fawaz Al-Tamimi

Mr. Fawaz Al-Tamimi

Non-Executive Director

Fawaz has served as the Senior Vice President for Finance and Investment at Tamimi Holdings since 2000.

Fawaz also serves as a Member of the Board of Directors for several other companies, including Tamimi Market, Kingdom Holdings, NTT Data Saudi Arabia, GFH and the Specialized Industrial Casting Company.

He started development of the Commercial and Industrial Affairs sector in the Tamimi group in 2010, creating the Investments and Resources Development to improve business coordination between the Group and allied Companies. Fawaz also established the Business Development Division and General Services Division, supervising the Tamimi Group’s strategy and execution of its business plans.

Fawaz holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Marketing from California State University in Los Angles, USA.

Mr. Hesham Abdulrahman

Mr. Hesham Abdulrahman

Non-Executive Director

Currently the Chief Executive Officer for Energy City Qatar, Hesham has a vast wealth of experience in the field of energy and has previously been a Senior Researcher and Industrial Investment expert.

Hesham has held a number of key positions in the energy and investment industry, providing the asset of extensive sectoral experience across the USA and Middle East. Prior to joining Energy City Qatar, Hesham established an Industrial Assessment Programme in the GCC in order to help improve, and make a difference in, the energy sector.

Hesham has a Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Texas A&M University, USA and is a Member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).

Mr. Mohammed Al-Hassan

Mr. Mohammed Al-Hassan

Non-Executive Director

Mohammed Al Hassan is a co-Founder, co-Chief Executive Officer and Board Member at Gulf Islamic Investments (GII), with responsibility for the company’s leadership and strategy. Since its establishment in 2014, GII’s assets under management have grown to over $3.0 billion. Mohammed has originated unique investment opportunities for GII investors in real estate, technology and other private equity classes across the GCC, Europe and the US.

Mohammed has over 15 years of experience in Islamic investment banking across the GCC, spanning private equity, venture capital, infrastructure and real estate. He sits on the Boards of several regional companies, and chairs the Board of Directors at Al Meswak, Saudi Arabia’s largest chain of dental and dermatology clinics, in which GII is the majority shareholder.

Mohammed is an extremely well-networked individual with close ties to SWFs, banks & financial institutions, family offices and UHNWIs across the GCC. His domain strengths include general and investment management, M&A, deal sourcing, structuring and capital raising.

Before co-founding GII, Mohammed held the positions of Director of Investments at EJ Capital and Executive Director – Investment Placement (KSA & Kuwait) at GFH. In both roles, he was instrumental in raising hundred millions of dollars for investment opportunities, and driving the companies’ regional growth.

Mohammed holds a Business Administration degree (specialising in marketing) from NYIT, Bahrain.

Mr. Pankaj Gupta

Mr. Pankaj Gupta

Non-Executive Director

Having consistently played crucial roles in regional asset building and investment growth, Pankaj’s main role encompasses leadership, strategy, business & people. His unique grasp of industry nuances and innovative eye for detail have been pivotal in the company’s increasing success.

Detailing the journey that led Pankaj to co-found GII is to reveal a master-class in investment management. At the National Bank of Abu Dhabi (NBAD) he championed the understanding of investment world specially for the UHNWI of the region, significantly enhancing the portfolios of the investors. In 2004 he was instrumental in starting the Union National Financial Consultancy that would act as an advisory to the Abu Dhabi Royal Family for their asset management needs. This also led to the creation of Allied Investment Partners in 2007, a UAE-based investment banking company that would not only manage the assets of the Royal Family, but also act as an exclusive advisor to a number of prominent institutions in the region. Whilst at AIP and UNFC, Pankaj was responsible for the management of an investment portfolio that topped US$2.5 billion as well as a number of advisory mandates that exceeded US$5 billion in successful debt and equity syndication.

A firm believer in the power of encouraging new ideas and supporting education business ventures, Pankaj has been involved in numerous projects and company start-ups in both Advisory and Board Member capacities.

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السيد محمد الحسن

السيد محمد الحسن

مدير غير تنفيذي

السيد محمد الحسن هو المؤسس المشارك والرئيس التنفيذي المشارك وعضو مجلس الإدارة في شركة الخليج للاستثمارات الإسلامية ، يتحمل مسؤولية قيادة الشركة واستراتيجيتها، ومنذ تأسيسها في عام 2014، نمت الأصول الخاضعة للإدارة لشركة الخليج للاستثمارات الإسلامية لتتجاوز 3.0 مليار دولار. أنشأ محمد فرصًا استثمارية فريدة لمستثمري شركة الخليج للاستثمارات الإسلامية في مجالات العقارات، والتكنولوجيا، وفئات الأسهم الخاصة الأخرى في دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي، وأوروبا، والولايات المتحدة. 

يمتلك محمد خبرة تزيد عن 15 عامًا في مجال الخدمات المصرفية الاستثمارية الإسلامية في جميع أنحاء دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي، بما في ذلك الأسهم الخاصة، ورأس المال الاستثماري، والبنية التحتية، والعقارات. يشغل أيضًا مناصب في مجالس إدارة العديد من الشركات الإقليمية، حيث يرأس مجلس إدارة “المسواك”، أكبر سلسلة لعيادات طب الأسنان والأمراض الجلدية في المملكة العربية السعودية، والتي تُعتبر شركة الخليج العالمية للصناعات الدوائية أكبر مساهم فيها. 

يتمتع محمد بعلاقات وثيقة مع صناديق الثروة السيادية، والبنوك، والمؤسسات المالية، والمكاتب العائلية، والأثرياء في دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي. تشمل مجالات قوته الإدارة العامة والاستثمارية، وعمليات الدمج والاستحواذ، وتحديد مصادر الصفقات، والهيكلة، وجمع رأس المال.

 قبل أن يشارك في تأسيس شركة الخليج للاستثمارات الإسلامية، شغل محمد منصب مدير الاستثمارات في EJ Capital (إي جي كابيتال) والمدير التنفيذي لتوظيف الاستثمار في المملكة العربية السعودية والكويت في مجموعة جي إف إتش. وقد كان له دور بارز في جمع مئات الملايين من الدولارات لفرص الاستثمار، ودفع النمو الإقليمي للشركات. يحمل محمد شهادة في إدارة الأعمال مع تخصص في التسويق من جامعة نيويورك للتكنولوجيا في البحرين.

السيد بانكاج جوبتا

السيد بانكاج جوبتا

مدير غير تنفيذي

السيد بانكاج لعب أدوارًا حاسمة في بناء الأصول الإقليمية ونمو الاستثمار، يتمثل الدور الرئيسي لبانكاج في القيادة، والاستراتيجية، وإدارة الأعمال والأفراد. إن فهمه الفريد للفروق الدقيقة في الصناعة ورؤيته المبتكرة في التفاصيل كانا محورين لنجاح الشركة المتزايد.

 تعود تفاصيل الرحلة التي قادت بانكاج إلى المشاركة في تأسيس شركة الخليج للاستثمارات الإسلامية (الخليج للاستثمارات الإسلامية) إلى حصوله على درجة الماجستير في إدارة الاستثمار. خلال فترة عمله في بنك أبو ظبي الوطني، كان له دور بارز في تعزيز الفهم لعالم الاستثمار، لا سيما لأصحاب الثروات العالية في المنطقة، مما ساهم بشكل كبير في تعزيز محافظ المستثمرين. في عام 2004، كان له دور فعال في تأسيس شركة الاتحاد الوطني للاستشارات المالية، التي عملت كمستشار لحكومة أبو ظبي الملكية في احتياجات إدارة الأصول.

 كما ساهم في إنشاء شركة Allied Investment Partners (الشركاء المتحدون للاستثمار) في عام 2007، وهي شركة مصرفية استثمارية مقرها الإمارات العربية المتحدة، حيث لم تقتصر مهامها على إدارة أصول العائلة المالكة، بل عملت أيضًا كمستشار حصري للعديد من المؤسسات البارزة في المنطقة. أثناء عمله في AIP وUNFC، كان بانكاج مسؤولاً عن إدارة محفظة استثمارية تجاوزت 2.5 مليار دولار أمريكي، بالإضافة إلى عدة مهام استشارية تتعلق بقروض مشتركة ناجحة وأسهم تجاوزت قيمتها 5 مليار دولار أمريكي.

 إيمانًا منه بأهمية تشجيع الأفكار الجديدة ودعم المشاريع التعليمية، شارك بانكاج في العديد من المشاريع والشركات الناشئة بصفته استشاريًا وعضوًا في مجالس الإدارة.

السيد جيريمي باريش

السيد جيريمي باريش

رئيس مستقل

السيد جيريمي هو رئيس مجلس الإدارة المستقل غير التنفيذي لفيجن بنك. يتمتع بخبرة تمتد لأكثر من 40 عامًا في القطاع المصرفي، حيث شغل مجموعة متنوعة من المناصب القيادية في بنك ستاندرد تشارترد ومجموعة ANZ المصرفية، حيث عمل في عدة دول منها المملكة المتحدة، الإمارات العربية المتحدة، سويسرا، واليابان. 

يشغل السيد باريش حاليًا منصب الرئيس غير التنفيذي لجوليوس باير إنترناشيونال (لندن) وجوليوس باير الشرق الأوسط (مركز دبي المالي العالمي). كما شغل منصب رئيس مجلس الإدارة غير التنفيذي لبنك Crown Agents بين عامي 2017 و2023.

معالي الدكتور طيب كمالي

معالي الدكتور طيب كمالي

عضو مجلس إدارة مستقل غير تنفيذي

الدكتور كمالي هو المدير العام لتطوير التدريب التربوي في وزارة الداخلية بدولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة. شغل زمالة في كلية بيمبروك بجامعة كامبريدج في المملكة المتحدة، وكان عضوًا مؤسسًا في مجلس إدارة الاتحاد العالمي للكليات والفنون التطبيقية. 

كما أنه عضو في مجالس إدارات العديد من المؤسسات، بما في ذلك مدرسة محمد بن راشد للحكومة، وجامعة أبو ظبي، وكلية أبو ظبي للإدارة، وجامعة الخليج الطبية، ومبادرة بوسطن، ومؤسسة أوتورد باوند الإماراتية، ومجلس الإمارات للكريكيت. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يعمل كمدير مستقل في مجلس إدارة شركة الخليج للإسثمارات الإسلامية ذ.م.م.

تييري جويد

تييري جويد

عضو مجلس إدارة مستقل غير تنفيذي

يتمتع السيد جويد بخبرة واسعة تمتد لأكثر من 30 عامًا كمدير تنفيذي ومستثمر في ريادة الأعمال، حيث شغل مناصب في مجالس إدارة وكبار المسؤولين في العديد من الشركات المتنوعة، بدءًا من الشركات الناشئة إلى الشركات الكبرى في قطاعات مختلفة مثل الطاقة، والتكنولوجيا، والاستثمار، والاتصالات، والتعليم. 

لديه أكثر من عشر سنوات من الخبرة في أسواق دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي، بما في ذلك الإمارات العربية المتحدة، والبحرين، والمملكة العربية السعودية. ساعد في تأسيس مشاريع أرامكو السعودية لريادة الأعمال (واعد فنتشرز) وقاد العديد من استثماراتها. وهو أيضًا عضو في مجلس إدارة شركة Pay Tabs Inc.

السيد إيان برايدن

السيد إيان برايدن

عضو مجلس إدارة مستقل غير تنفيذي

 السيد برايدن هو عضو مستقل في مجلس إدارة فيجن بنك ورئيس لجنة المخاطر والامتثال التابعة للمجلس. يمتد مشواره المهني لأكثر من 40 عامًا في قطاع الخدمات المالية، وكان آخر 19 عامًا منها في مناصب قيادية عليا في إدارة المخاطر في بنك ستاندرد تشارترد. 

شغل منصب الرئيس الإقليمي لإدارة المخاطر في أفريقيا والشرق الأوسط من عام 2015 حتى تقاعده في عام 2023، وكان مقره في دبي. خلال هذه الفترة، خدم في العديد من المجالس الفرعية لستاندرد تشارترد، وكان رئيسًا لستاندرد تشارترد باكستان. في بداية مسيرته المهنية، عمل في الهند، هونغ كونغ، والمملكة المتحدة، وسبق له العمل في بنك تشيس مانهاتن وبير ستيرنز إنترناشيونال في أدوار تجارية متعددة.

Mr. Jeremy Parrish

Mr. Jeremy Parrish

Independent Chairman

Mr. Parrish is the existing independent non-executive chairman of the Bank. He has spent 40 years in the banking industry, including a variety of senior roles with Standard Chartered and ANZ Banking Group across UK, UAE, Switzerland and Japan.

Mr. Parrish is currently serving as the non-executive chairman for Julius Baer International (London) and Julius Baer Middle East (DIFC). He also served as the non- executive chairman of Crown Agents Bank between 2017 and 2023.

H.E. Dr. Tayeb A Kamali

H.E. Dr. Tayeb A Kamali

Independent Non-Executive Director

Dr Kamali is the Director General for Education Training Development at the UAE Ministry of Interior. Dr. Kamali was a Fellow at Pembroke College in Cambridge, UK; a founding Board Member of the World Federation of Colleges and Polytechnics (WFCP); and is a Board Member of several institutions including the Mohammed bin Rashid School of Government, the Abu Dhabi University, Abu Dhabi School of Management, Gulf Medical University, The Boston Initiative, Outward Bound UAE and the Emirates Cricket Board. He is also an independent director on the Board of GII LLC.

Trey Goede

Trey Goede

Independent Non-Executive Director

Mr. Goede has been an entrepreneurial executive and investor for 30 years and has held board and C-suite positions at many companies, ranging from start-ups to conglomerates across various industries including energy, technology, investment, telecommunication, and education.

He has over a decade of experience in the GCC market, having worked with companies in UAE, Bahrain, and Saudi Arabia. He helped Saudi Aramco to establish Saudi Aramco Entrepreneurship Ventures (Wa’ed Ventures) and led many of its investments. He is also a board member at PayTabs Inc.

Mr. Ian Bryden

Mr. Ian Bryden

Independent Non-Executive Director

Mr. Bryden is an Independent Non-Executive Director of the Bank and the Chairman of the Board Risk & Compliance Committee. His career in financial services spans over 40 years of which the last 19 were in senior roles in the Risk Function at Standard Chartered Bank. From 2015 until his retirement in 2023, he was the Regional Chief Risk Officer for Africa & Middle East based in Dubai. During this period, he served on various Standard Chartered subsidiary boards and was the Chairman for Standard Chartered Bank Pakistan.

Earlier in his career, Mr. Bryden worked in India, Hong Kong and the United Kingdom. Prior to joining Standard Chartered, he worked for The Chase Manhattan Bank and Bear Stearns International in various business roles.


Mr. Mohammed Al-Hassan

Mr. Mohammed Al-Hassan

Non-Executive Director

Mohammed Al Hassan is a co-Founder, co-Chief Executive Officer and Board Member at Gulf Islamic Investments (GII), with responsibility for the company’s leadership and strategy. Since its establishment in 2014, GII’s assets under management have grown to over $3.0 billion. Mohammed has originated unique investment opportunities for GII investors in real estate, technology and other private equity classes across the GCC, Europe and the US.

Mohammed has over 15 years of experience in Islamic investment banking across the GCC, spanning private equity, venture capital, infrastructure and real estate. He sits on the Boards of several regional companies, and chairs the Board of Directors at Al Meswak, Saudi Arabia’s largest chain of dental and dermatology clinics, in which GII is the majority shareholder.

Mohammed is an extremely well-networked individual with close ties to SWFs, banks & financial institutions, family offices and UHNWIs across the GCC. His domain strengths include general and investment management, M&A, deal sourcing, structuring and capital raising.

Before co-founding GII, Mohammed held the positions of Director of Investments at EJ Capital and Executive Director – Investment Placement (KSA & Kuwait) at GFH. In both roles, he was instrumental in raising hundred millions of dollars for investment opportunities, and driving the companies’ regional growth.

Mohammed holds a Business Administration degree (specialising in marketing) from NYIT, Bahrain.

Mr. Pankaj Gupta

Mr. Pankaj Gupta

Non-Executive Director

Having consistently played crucial roles in regional asset building and investment growth, Pankaj’s main role encompasses leadership, strategy, business & people. His unique grasp of industry nuances and innovative eye for detail have been pivotal in the company’s increasing success.

Detailing the journey that led Pankaj to co-found GII is to reveal a master-class in investment management. At the National Bank of Abu Dhabi (NBAD) he championed the understanding of investment world specially for the UHNWI of the region, significantly enhancing the portfolios of the investors. In 2004 he was instrumental in starting the Union National Financial Consultancy that would act as an advisory to the Abu Dhabi Royal Family for their asset management needs. This also led to the creation of Allied Investment Partners in 2007, a UAE-based investment banking company that would not only manage the assets of the Royal Family, but also act as an exclusive advisor to a number of prominent institutions in the region. Whilst at AIP and UNFC, Pankaj was responsible for the management of an investment portfolio that topped US$2.5 billion as well as a number of advisory mandates that exceeded US$5 billion in successful debt and equity syndication.

A firm believer in the power of encouraging new ideas and supporting education business ventures, Pankaj has been involved in numerous projects and company start-ups in both Advisory and Board Member capacities.